A fragile strip of chimpanzee habitat straddling the steep slopes and river valleys that hem in the sandy northern shore of Lake Tanganyika.

Dr Jane Goodall with a Chimpanzee

Gombe and Dr Jane Goodall

Its chimpanzees – habituated to human visitors – were made famous by the pioneering work of Dr. Jane Goodall, who in 1960 founded a behavioral research program that now stands as the longest-running study of its kind in the world. The matriarch Fifi, the last surviving member of the original community, was only three years old when Dr. Jane Goodall first set foot in Gombe, born in 1958, and died in 2004.

Goodall was eventually accepted by one of the chimpanzee troops and allowed a rare insight into their society (she is still the only human to ever be accepted into a chimpanzee community). Her research forms the foundation for much of what we know about chimpanzees today. She disproved the theory that humans are the only species to use tools when she observed chimpanzees using twigs for fishing for termites. When she witnessed the chimpanzees hunting and eating smaller primates, she proved that they were not herbivores, as previously thought. And most importantly, her study of their intricate family structures and relationships demonstrated that non-human species are capable of intellectual and emotional sophistication.

what gombe offer?

It is a thin strip of ancient forest set in mountainous cut with steep valleys clinging to the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

The park major attraction is obviously the Chimpanzees that live protected within its boundaries.

The park is dominated by many steep sided ridges and valleys. This is where you will be on foot if you have come to see the chimpanzees

The scenery of Gombe is stunning with most of the 16 major valleys containing swift steams, which flow all year.

did you know?

Chimpanzees share about 98% of their genes with humans, and no scientific expertise is required to distinguish between the individual repertoires of pants, hoots and screams that define the celebrities, the powerbrokers, and the supporting characters. Perhaps you will see a flicker of understanding when you look into a chimp’s eyes, assessing you in return – a look of apparent recognition across the narrowest of species barriers.

Chimpanzee on a tree log

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